Liberate Yourself:

Turn Stress into Strength

with this Unique Method!

Transform your running, build real mental resilience without the need of pain as fuel.

Perfect for busy professionals seeking balance,

it helps you enjoy running without

obsessing over complex metrics.

Elevate Yourself: Go Beyond Your Limits

Learn "How I ran 9000 kilometers in the last 4+ years

WITHOUT applying

ANY structured Running Programs...
AND, only once a week, running Marathons to Ultras without stress or sidelined injuries"...

Read on to learn how 'The Running Free Method' can help you!

‘The Running Free Method’

A Transformative Experience.

Embrace this proven method for enhancing both your physical running performance and mental resilience. It's more than training; it's a transformative journey to a stronger, more enduring & most importantly a fulfilled you.

Gain insights to overcoming stress, self-doubt, and any setbacks – whether in running or life – and turn them into opportunities for growth and fulfilment. ​​

Adopt new habits and perspectives that foster continual personal improvement & development whilst enhancing your running abilities and overall well-being.

Embrace the mindset that propels you towards you becoming the best version of yourself.






Secret #1.

Learn how to let go of self-doubt, self-sabotage, self-defeat, and perfectionism so you may begin running farther than you ever imagined possible.


Secret #2

"The Running Free Method" will teach you that longer distance running may be achieved without stress by doing away with the outdated and risky "no pain / no gain" mentality to a far more beneficial approach, we call ‘flow & go”.


Secret #3

Learn simple and transformational techniques to ‘prime your mind’ during runs without relying on positive-thinking, optimism, affirmations or motivation...instead, learn more about who you choose to become & gain incredible personal freedom in your runs & daily life!

Additional Benefits of

'The Running Free Method':

Experience a life-changing journey with more key insights

#1. Elevating Yourself & Running.

Performance The focus is on sustainable incremental improvements not just temporary gains. You’ll be guided through a holistic approach to enhance your running endurance.

#2. Holistic Endurance Transformation.

This coaching method transcends typical training. It’s a blend of physical conditioning with mental and lifestyle strategies to elevate your overall running experience and well-being for the long term.

#3. Consistency, Discipline, Mindset Mastery.

Move beyond fleeting motivation to consistently mastering your running goals week in, week out. You will be deeply supported in bridging the gap between your current abilities and your highest potential.

#4. Master Your Physical and Mental Stamina. 'The Running Free Method’ equips you with strategies to boost your stamina, mindset and overall enjoyment in not only the activity of running but in your daily life.

Who is 'The Running Free Method' for?

Perfect for those looking to break through physical and mental barriers in running, overcome self doubt and achieve a holistic transformation in both fitness and daily life.

If you're passionate about adopting a healthier lifestyle that combines physical endurance with mental well-being, this method offers insights into a balanced, active lifestyle.

Discover how the principles of mindset and discipline in running can also be applied to drive success and innovation in your business & personal life.

For those dedicated to achieving more than just temporary improvement and are looking for enduring change that encompasses both their personal and athletic pursuits.

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Andrew Haug. I’m not a runner; I simply run.

Over the past four+ years, I’ve unexpectedly covered 9000 kilometers. This journey isn’t about the act of running; it's a deeper quest to discover my true self through endurance running.


The lessons and profound insights I’ve gained have shaped
who I am today and will continue to influence me long after the runs are over. If you’re not growing every day, you’re dying.

In all honesty, I don’t care about running as a sport. I’ve
never raced, followed a training program, or chased medals and personal records. I don’t even own a running watch. Running is my chosen path to self-discovery, creating a deep state of flow that I cherish.

Through this journey, I’ve overcome many internal battles, anger, frustration, self-doubt, and negative thinking have literally dissolved. Now, I rise at 3AM for weekly marathons and ultras without needing any motivation. The self-discipline I’ve built through consistency naturally takes over. It’s beautiful to see motivation chasing after you once you’re already halfway down the road. Discipline always triumphs over motivation. And I do all this just once a week.


To quote Michele Graglia, an ultra-runner I deeply respect
who shares this self-awareness: “It’s not about competition, it’s not about running away... it’s a quest for a place to understand who you are... to be nothing but a body freely moving in space.”


This is how "The Running Free Method" was born. It’s for those who want to grow within themselves and their running to deeper levels beyond the surface and metrics, without destroying themselves physically and mentally in the process. The key is to simply connect mind and body as one and just let go.


If this sounds like a journey you’d like to join, download the free Ebook and or get in touch with me to learn more.

Hand on heart, I can truly’s all possible, let me guide you!

The Running Free Method


Transforming Lives

..."Initially I thought that I was just about to get a bunch of running advice on how to become a better runner...I got life lessons about how I love myself..."

"...that reminder of who I am & who I should be would not have come had it not been for Andrew telling me love yourself first, and everything else will follow. And I so appreciate him for that. My mindset is different. My health is different...challenges that I had before, I don't have anymore, just because I fell into a deeper relationship with myself and Andrew, thank you, I would not be where I am right now had that message had not been sent from you".

Randi - USA

..."something that I really love about Andrew after every single run.

When we talk about it, he always asks, What did you learn? Who did you become? And to me, that's pretty powerful".

"...a lot of times when running, it's all about the time, it's
all about the distance...the finish line. But what I like about his enjoying the process, falling in love with the process and experiencing the moment every single step. How did I feel? me, is the focus because that's where
the growth happens and it's beyond running, that's a way of living".

JoAnn - USA

"...I've been on my own running journey just over 12 months's done wonders for my health and family, work life, and those little gems that Andrew Haug shares with his Arise Coaching really crosses over into all walks of life, be it professional life, music life, family life"...

"...putting in the hard work and really being bold about things you want to do...dreaming big, just knowing that within yourself, you can seek out the ways to make a transition from reality. Highly recommend Arise Coaching, his natural leadership and his willingness to lead by example and to share his journey with everyone that makes him someone that can be looked up to and is inspiring".

Lee - Australia

"Your inspirations has helped me to become a better person of myself in my life. I can still remember your words on one of my posts when I was trying to get past the mark of a Half Marathon. Those words has inspired me to go for full marathons and then for ultra-marathons. Inspirations from these posts and lessons not only motivated me...but also helped me to stay in the moment, to know the life, the lessons I have learned from the runs"...

"the lessons are, how to stay in the moment, to know the life, how to handle the stress in life, how to keep learning from mistakes that we take in life, how to learn from suffering, and the most important thing is that trust the process and enjoy it. Your inspirations has helped me to become a better person of myself in my life.

I really thank you for inspiring me & my life"...

Dhananjay - India


Professional Certified Coach Certificate IV Life Coaching - 10864NAT

Nationally Recognised /Internationally Accredited by the ICF - Level 2 - 2022.

Certified Personal Trainer Certificate III in Fitness SRF30206

Certificate IV in Fitness SRF40206 WYN Training 09/2010


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